Ep. 12: Game Within the Game FINALE
The end is here. The inaugural Game Within the Game adventure is about to conclude and I have to say that I’ve truly enjoyed it. It’s been engaging each week to solve the Rebus Puzzles, think about what the word scrambles were adding up to, and test my own Survivor situational savvy with each week’s strategy tests. I hope that you have enjoyed reading my blogs all season long about the GWtG as much as I’ve enjoyed writing and thinking about them.
Without further ado, let’s wrap up Game Within the Game!
CLUE 1 - 🏝(ISLAND) -& = ISL or I
CLUE 2 - 🐐= GOAT
CLUE 5 - ♬♬ -N = OTES
Now, let’s throw it over to Jeff.
Jeff wants us to simulate being on the final 5 and having to solve this puzzle in order to gain the most important advantage of the season. The hot Fijian sun is beating down on you, you’ve barely eaten for 23 or 24 days, and the million dollar stakes are palpable.
Let’s try this his way. I’m going to put a timer on it and try to solve the final puzzle as fast as I can.
Full disclosure. I saw the letters with the glyphs part and didn’t scroll down to see the part to type the answers into boxes. This may have been easier than I thought. Here I was taking the new word scrambles I formed from the glyph clues and was trying to arrange the words in the correct order. Meanwhile, it was right below already labeled for me. Just needed to scroll down. Oh well, actually, it was more fun this way. Glad that happened the way it did.
The labels on the boxes gave it away a bit too easily for my liking, but nonetheless here is the answer to the final Survivor riddle.
“Your treasure hangs where the trees love to dance”
Sounds like the hunt for an advantage on the new island will be on, full force! For now, the hunt for answers to the Game Within the Game riddle is over. The word scramble puzzles gave us 11 words but it wasn’t about the words, it was about the letters.
After 11 weeks of thinking about the riddle, exhausting my thoughts about the clues, making predictions of what the riddle would be, and how it would be figured out, I have to say, the Game Within the Game was great. The perfect complement to the show. Each piece of the GWtG brought value and a different way of thinking about the game. The Rebus Puzzles were the right level of challenging and super creative. The word scrambles were easy but fun to think about the bigger picture of what the endgame of it would be. Finally, the strategy tests were the best part. They made this season more interactive than any other. Sharing conversations with other fans of the show and the GWtG about the strategy tests and exchanging ideas of how we would each go about the scenarios laid out was awesome.
In the end, the Game Within the Game was a success. I think its goal of engaging young future Survivors and die hards like me was achieved. From it I can now say I’m ready to get out there on the island and play for real. I know this because Jeff said so in my completion certificate.
I’m looking forward to seeing you too Jeff.
Thanks again for reading. Hope you are enjoying the Game Within the Game as much as I am. Be sure to outlike, outcomment, and outshare the rest all season long.
The blog has spoken!
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