Tribal Council Blog


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Getting to Know the Cast - LUVU Tribe

Getting to Know the Cast - LUVU Tribe

Survivor 41 is finally here! With only hours until the 41st season’s premier, it’s time to take a deeper look at the 18 castaways set to square off in the newly formatted 26 day adventure of a lifetime. For some, the dream of scheming at the water well, masterminding game changing blindsides, and pleading their case to the jury will come true. However, for others the tribe will speak quickly and see their torch get snuffed out by Probst prematurely ending their adventure before it ever gets started.

The 18 castaways have been split up into 3 tribes (Luvu, Ua, Yase) of 6 castaways each. Soon we will see tribes building their new societies at camp, new relationships created at challenges and alliances formed at the fire. From there the fun will begin with strategic decisions being made and possibly used against you in the game.

What do you do? Step up for the tribe in the puzzle or lay low? Inevitably, these 18 castaways will be making these decisions before our very eyes. So far, we only have 1 minute clips introducing us to the cast via Instagram. What can we learn or infer about each player? Hard to say. Maybe nothing. But, wouldn’t it be fun to read between the lines and speculate with a hot take or two of how these players might answer this puzzle decision? I think so.

If nothing else these 1 minute Instagram video clips will help me familiarize myself with each of the players, learn their names, learn what tribe they are part of, learn a drop or two about who they are, and if we’re lucky, get some insight into their character archetypes. Let’s do some analysis of these castaways, shall we?

The LUVU Tribe

From Left to Right in blue:

  • Danny McCray - age 33, Ex-NFL Player from Houston, TX

    I’m a huge football fan. Love that Danny was an undrafted free agent. Love that Danny was a 6 year journeyman pro. Love his backstory of becoming “the man of the house” at a young age. He seems to have character and as he said already a survivor. However, in the game of Survivor former professional athletes don’t always get far, and when they do, the votes are hard to come by. Sure, Danny will be a huge asset for his physical strength both around camp and during challenges involving physical strength. But, physical strength and a professional athlete background are a recipe for an early exit. Danny will be seen as a physical threat and if he is “outted” as a former pro, it will be at best a coin flip that people will keep someone like him around. His chances of winning aren’t great, but he won’t make the early mistake of trying to do a puzzle. He knows his strengths and role as a tribe member. In the end, he could make it past a merge if he forms those alliances, builds relationships quickly, and doesn’t fumble them away.

  • Naseer Muttalif - age 37, Sales Manager from Morgan Hill, CA

    I think people are going to love Naseer. He is from Sri Lanka, grew up poor, experienced Survivor like circumstances as a kid, and there is a teddy bear quality to him. His strategy is to provide for the tribe and it’s a good one because he is a physically strong, but also Danny is stronger. Advantage Naseer. Naseer works in sales for a hotel which tells me he has knowledge of the hospitality business which could be put to his advantage easily. Maybe he will channel his work self (presuming it’s something to do with what I think it does) and find ways to cater to the rest of his tribe to keep him around. Most of all his confidence feeling if he gets to the final three that his authenticity and story will win the million dollars. He’s right. But, as much as the provider role suits him, he also strikes me as someone who would step up for the puzzle to provide, yet fall short and be on the outs early.

  • Sydney Segal - age 26, Law Student from Brooklyn, NY

    Sydney was exactly who I thought she was going to be. Lived in LA and now NY as a law student. 🙄First born and only girl in family. 🙄Things “always came easy” to her. Of course they did Syd. 🙄She tops it off with “my parents nursed this ego from the moment I was born.” 🙄 She knows she is confident and she knows she is sexy. She is a Parvati like archetype. I read you loud and clear Syd. I know you have all the tools to win this game. Love your basic strategy of “get to tomorrow”. You’re smart and will be a force to be reckoned with no doubt. I know you don’t feel a need to prove something in the early puzzle because you would rather show off your God given athletic gifts. 🙄Be careful though, people may see right through you quickly but you’ll be ok. After all, you’ll always have…you.

Only 6 likes.  Weird.  Wonder why.

Only 6 likes. Weird. Wonder why.

  • Heather Aldret - age 52, Stay at Home Mom from Charleston, SC

    The southern bell of this season brings all the charm. Heather is a stay at home mom who won’t be afraid to roll up her sleeves and do whatever is needed to help the tribe and advance in the game. My fear for her is despite the don’t quit attitude and the highest Madden rating in life wisdom, being the oldest could distance her from the tribe. Being “mom” on the tribe has its advantages like letting the kids prove themselves in the puzzle, but with the rest of the tribe being physically strong and more athletic, she could wind up being put into the puzzle and then scapegoated for an early immunity loss right out of the game. Good luck Heather, we’ll all be rooting for you!

  • Deshawn Radden - age 26, Medical Student from San Bernardino, CA

    Smart. Accomplished. Personable. Yet, seems down to earth and humble. Deshawn has a great personality and is smart enough to know his strength will be his social charm.

High praise for Deshawn

High praise for Deshawn

The other angle that Deshawn has already figured out is that he isn’t the strongest (see Danny and Naseer) or the most athletic (see Danny and Sydney) but he might be the most personable. I think this could nudge him to make his way to doing the puzzle and trying to win it for the tribe. If he does and succeeds, maybe he will have enough time on Survivor to earn another degree, this time in Social Politics.

  • Erika Casupanan - age 32, Communications Manager from Toronto, Ontario

    The last member of the Luvu tribe is the “fun, fearless, and empathetic” Erika. Always room for someone like that on any tribe. The 1 minute video shows us that Erika isn’t afraid of some adventure which is good. It will serve her. But, will her only survival skill of a “positive attitude” rub people the wrong way and shine the light on her deficiencies and lead to her ousting back to kickboxing class? Time will tell. My guess is she would be the type of player to be forced into the puzzle in the opening immunity challenge. She isn’t the best athlete, nor is she physically strong, so the puzzle is probably her destiny.

That’s it for getting to know the Luvu Tribe. Be sure to read my other blogs for getting to know the Ua Tribe and the Yase Tribe.

Looking forward to blogging about Survivor 41 all season long. Be sure to outlike, outcomment, and outshare the rest.

The blog has spoken!

Getting to Know the Cast - UA Tribe

Getting to Know the Cast - UA Tribe

Survivor 41 Promo Video is Out!  Finally we have some clues to this season...

Survivor 41 Promo Video is Out! Finally we have some clues to this season...