Tribal Council Blog


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Season 1, Episode 4 - "Too Little Too Late"

Season 1, Episode 4 - "Too Little Too Late"

“13 are left, who will be voted off this week and who will continue to survive” - Probst


The episode picks up from tribal council with the tribes facing the elements.  Torrential rain leaves the tribes wet, cold, dealing with bugs, and unhappy.   Ramona tells us it was “The worst. Night. I’ve. Ever. Slept.”  The look on her face says it all.  I know dealing with the rain would be bad, and the cold wouldn’t be fun either, but the bugs would have to be the worst.  They would multiply my frustrations to another level I wouldn’t like being at in the game.

The night multiplied Gretchen’s frustrations with the lay out of camp at Pagong.  Her background at the Air Force Survival School is what made her argue with BB at the beginning, but not pushing back hard enough left the shelter down by the beach and not under the cover of the trees.  She reached a breaking point that spurs the tribe to pickup and move.  And they listened.  Not easy to put your cards on the table like she did but it worked out.  For now.


With everyone tense after the rain, Greg’s personality emerges again at Pagong.  Taking fake phone calls, making jokes, and keeping things loose while they relocated camp help make him the “leader” of the tribe.  They NEED Greg.

All screenshots via Amazon Prime Video.

All screenshots via Amazon Prime Video.

At Tagi, the tribe has their own easy going personality but without the same response.  Sean’s personality guided him to thinking it would be a good idea to build a bowling alley on the beach. Unfortunately for Sean, he is no Greg and Tagi is no Pagong. 

Sean’s bowling alley. All screenshots via Amazon Prime Video.

Sean’s bowling alley. All screenshots via Amazon Prime Video.

The difference between Sean and Greg is noticeable.  Sean tries to bring a loose approach to the tribe but his method is where he falls short and where Greg ascends to the top of the tribe.  It’s one thing to bring humor to the tribe but the more successful approach is to couple it with work that the tribe needs.  Greg is meeting the needs of the tribe, but Sean is meeting the needs of, Sean.

REWARD CHALLENGE - The Stress Signal

Both tribes must compete to make the most noticeable stress signal.  The reward is a Target care package including towels and toiletries.  On top of that the teams haggle to throw in a spice rack and filet knife.  

This challenge causes everyone to spew their ideas in efforts to win.  Make a bonfire, create a symbol, form an arrow in the water pointing at the beach, make smoke, or using condoms.  Kelly..huh?  Some just want to have a clear plan and some are only capable of being negative about the ideas of others.  

And then there is Richard’s plan for this challenge.  However, he’s not concerned about making fire or smoke but rather another strategic idea for not just the challenge but beyond.  Richard wants to use this challenge to solidify an alliance.  

“Well I know what the resolution to the conflict that exists right now would be at home.  But, I’m actually planning something different from that that might benefit me and it’s a little sneaky (evil laugh).  I think I’m gonna handle this by beginning to develop alliances with some folks to ensure that I move into the next round.” - Richard

All screenshots via Amazon Prime Video.

All screenshots via Amazon Prime Video.

Again, Richard proves that he is playing a different game.  A bigger game.  A long term game with money at the end of it and a check with his name on it.

DAY 11

The tribes are creating their stress signals.  Gervase helped Ramona increase her work ethic.  Greg is making fake calls to the pilot.  And Probst is hosting the show from the air above the island to check out the distress signals.  

All screenshots via Amazon Prime Video.

All screenshots via Amazon Prime Video.

All screenshots via Amazon Prime Video.

All screenshots via Amazon Prime Video.

Tagi is groggy vs. a smiley face.  Both weren’t great but Tagi having moving colorful bodies wins them the Target care package and the first piece of advertisement from the show.  The smiley face was just bad.  How was that the winning idea?  Would that show a rescue plane you are distressed or would it say “we’re all good here, don’t save us”?  Pagong really needs to get it together or they are going to keep losing.


The alliances begin.  Sue and Kelly want to include Richard and he is on board.  The three of them talk about brining Rudy into it too, especially Kelly.  Which is odd because until this point Kelly was out on Rudy because of his abrasive nature.  But, all of a sudden Kelly has flipped?  Now, Rudy’s tell-it-like-it-is attitude is seen as an asset when compared to Dirk and Sean’s personalities.  Good move by you Kelly.

At Pagong we don’t see the same lines drawn in the sand for an alliance.  Though no alliance is forming to vote people out and solidify a group’s place in the game, what is solidified is a general attitude that Ramona is the one on everyone’s mind.  Her work ethic, attitude, and productivity has tried to change but it seems it isn’t quite enough.  

“Ramona has changed her work ethic a lot but I don’t think her attitude has changed much.  She is working more, she’s trying, but I think maybe it’s a little too late.” - Jenna

Ah, the title of the episode emerges.  From the viewer standpoint, Ramona hasn’t been contributing much to the tribe so far.  At first she was sick and vomiting, she wasn’t helping to build shelter, and then the rain came and brought her spirit down more.  Those things combined may end with her torch being extinguished.


“The idol is back up for grabs” - Probst

This 5 leg relay race makes use of every member of the team in different ways.  The tribe first must swim to a buoy and dive down to retrieve a bottle, then run the bottle across a bridge to a boat.  Next, paddle for shore and hand bottle off which contains a map.  From there, sprint into the jungle to a rope ladder to grab a key.  Finally, 2 members dig up a treasure and use the key to open the immunity idol.


All screenshots via Amazon Prime Video.

All screenshots via Amazon Prime Video.

This win for Tagi will even the tribes back up at 6 all, but more importantly at this point Tagi has some unity and direction in the form of an alliance with Richard, Sue, Kelly and maybe Rudy.  They have a sense of direction that is absent at Pagong.  Not surprising to see it when the leader is the guy taking fake phone calls. 


“I’m going not knowing what’s going to happen” - Colleen

“We’re all friends and then you boot someone.  It’s like the board game Sorry!  You pick the card and you got to take your thing and smash the other guy out of the way. Knock em out.  Thats it.  Move on. SORRYYYYYYYY!” - Greg

Going into tribal council here is what we know.  Gervase blew the beetle eating challenge, couldn’t swim, and struggled running through the jungle in the 4th leg of the relay.  Ramona received multiple votes last time and Colleen and Jenna express disgust in the prospect of having to go back to tribal council.  Greg’s board game analogy sticks out among the pre-tribal council narrative at Pagong reflecting his position in the tribe.  Greg proves he is thinking about the game differently from his tribe mates by not being emotional or hesitant about the tribal council process.  No matter who he votes out the viewer knows he won’t be “sorry” about writing that name down.


“Ramona, what criteria do you use in determining who you’re going to vote off?” 

“Anybody feel confident enough that they want to own up to feeling invincible to tonight’s vote.  Certain that when this is over, they will be here?” - Probst

Gervase raises his hand and is “I’m looking ahead to the final four”.  Then, Probst hits Gervase with a bit of a reality check.  Probst says “well it’s interesting that you say that cause for the last 3 challenges you were responsible for your tribe’s loss” - Probst.  This is the first time that Probst calls somebody out at tribal.  Gervase deserves it for raising his hand about his confidence in not being voted out.  


Gervase - COLLEEN “I mean I love the girl to death but somebody’s got to go”

Greg - JENNA “self fulfilling prophecy, it seems time to go”

Ramona - COLLEEN “no comment”

Jenna - RAMONA “even though she tried to redeem herself, a little to little too late”

It is interesting that even in the voting confessional some of them cannot even give a reason for voting someone off.  I understand that it is hard to do, but you got to be ready and willing to trust your judgment, trust your gut, know your game, and pull the trigger knowing why.  It’s not a coincidence that someone who had no comment on who she was voting off, is herself, the one voted off.  

VOTED OFF - Ramona

Too little too late for Ramona. All screenshots via Amazon Prime Video.

Too little too late for Ramona. All screenshots via Amazon Prime Video.


“Survived another one.” - Probst


“I think the first two days that I was sick just really really hurt me.  Those first two days was crucial in forming relationships and stuff and I really didn’t get a chance to do that cause I was really really sick.” - Ramona

The lesson here is that first impressions in the game of Survivor can go a long way.  It is easy to get caught up in the challenges, who is pulling their weight around camp and whose not, but those things can change over time.  What is tough to change is the first impression that you make on a group of people you are competing against for $1 million dollars.  Anything can be used against you and will be, even if it was you being sick.  

From a viewer standpoint the audience won’t miss Ramona.  The first impression she made at camp was the first impression she made in our living room.  She’s right.  She missed the opportunity to form relationships with the tribe those first few days being sick, but she also missed the opportunity of forming a relationship with the viewer.  It was her time to go.


1 - Biggest Move

Sue, Kelly, and Richard forming an alliance.  From what we can see, these 3 Tagi members understand the bigger game a bit more than the rest.  An alliance will only increase their chances moving forward.

2 - Biggest Mistake

The episode is titled “Too Little Too Late” for a reason.  Ramona was the sore thumb from the beginning.  She didn’t do enough to connect with people in her tribe nor did she pull enough weight around camp to force the tribe to consider keeping her.  

All screenshots via Amazon Prime Video.

All screenshots via Amazon Prime Video.

3 - Challenge Corner 

Stress signal and the relay.  The stress signal followed the path of challenges linked to basic survival.  What I really liked about it was how the tribe had to work together to create the best signal.  It caused them to argue, to bicker, to strategize for the challenge, and for the bigger game.  Any challenge that does that is a winner.

4 - Trending Up

Greg - He was claimed the unofficial leader by Gretchen.  He brings a good work ethic, loose personality, but reveals a cutthroat voting mindset.  Adding the last part to his tribal resume has him trending upward in the game.

5 - Trending Down

Gervase - He loses the beetle challenge in OT, he can’t swim, and slows down the tribe on his leg of the relay immunity challenge.  Then, at tribal council he gets called out by Probst for how he has basically sucked so far costing his tribe 3 times at challenges.  Gervase avoids tying his own noose…for now.

6 - Strategy Award

Forming an alliance is always a strategy.  Forming an alliance in the first season of Survivor is revolutionary.  A strategy that many will follow for many seasons to come.   Kudos to Sue, Kelly, and Richard.

7 - Best Screenshot

When you are feeling groggy but still manage to win the reward challenge. (see photo at top of post)

8 - Best Quote

“well it’s interesting that you say that cause for the last 3 challenges you were responsible for your tribe’s loss” - Probst.

Gervase puts his foot in his mouth. All screenshots via Amazon Prime Video.

Gervase puts his foot in his mouth. All screenshots via Amazon Prime Video.

Gervase almost gets himself eliminated when he says he is invincible to the vote and Probst blasts him.  I’m glad Probst went after him.  He deserved it.  He has sucked it up big time for the tribe and shouldn’t have gotten a free pass here.  Thank you Jeff Probst!

9 - Who won the episode?

Let's give the nod to the new found Sue, Kelly, and Richard alliance.  Beside maybe Greg, at this point these are the 3 people that are playing a bigger game.  A million dollar game.  Richard is at the head of the pack for sure considering he already had his Joe Namath guarantee moment on episode 1.  But, there are strength in numbers in this game.  These 3 see it and know it will help them going forward.  The Dirk’s of the world are screwed.

Thanks again for reading.  Remember to outlike, outcomment, and outshare the rest.

The blog has spoken!

Season 1, Episode 5 - "Pulling Your Own Weight"

Season 1, Episode 5 - "Pulling Your Own Weight"

Season 1, Episode 3 - "Quest For Food"

Season 1, Episode 3 - "Quest For Food"