Survivor 41, Ep. 3: My Million Dollar Mistake
5 minutes out from the beginning of the episode and I am setting up the blog post. The first step is typing the title of the episode as the title of the blog. So I go to the channel guide, skip ahead to the 8:00p slot on channel 2 and I see tonight’s episode is titled “My Million Dollar Mistake”.
Great title for sure, but Who’s mistake will it be? With 15 castaways still in the running for this 26 day chance at $1,000,000 makes the need to make big moves even more NOW than ever before. Last week’s Game Within the Game Strategy Test (read my blog about Ep. 2 Game Within the Game) asked…
What would you do if you had to sneak out at night without getting caught in order to get an advantage?
Would you confide in someone so they could help you or go it alone?
Let’s dive into episode 3 to see how it turned out and everything else in between!
YASE (Yellow Tribe)
The episode begins with no “previously on Survivor” and straight to the action, albeit somber, at Yase. Liana is our next castaway to shed tears. She wants to make big moves and voting out Vocè was I guess a missed opportunity for her. Not exactly clear who Liana wanted to vote out to gain a tally in the big move column of her resume, but nonetheless she felt it was a missed opportunity.
Speaking of missed opportunities, Liana missed another opportunity when she didn’t catch the “BEWARE ADVANTAGE” right under her feet at the fire at Yase. That’s right. They hid the advantage in plain sight at camp at the fire. The producers clearly wanted this Beware Advantage found, but Liana was just a day late and a dollar short. Instead, Tiffany seized the moment and found the advantage.
Despite Tiffany’s joy of finding the advantage, she tells us that she never even had a chance to keep it for herself because Liana and episode 2 standout and episode 3 no show Evvie were right there. Tiffany opened the advantage with her alliance members to find out that in order to gain this advantage she would have to sneak out of camp, get on a boat, not get caught, and make a decision. If she misses the boat, no vote at next tribal. Having this secret to yourself would make the risk of it much much higher, but having your two alliance members that you voted with at the previous Tribal know what’s going on, lessens the threat level that the advantage could have put on you if done sneakily without others knowing. Advantage Tiffany in more ways than one. However, for Liana, this might just be her “million dollar mistake"!
Is it really a million dollar mistake? Possibly. But, the damage she must have felt was knowing that it was right at her feet and she could have had it all to herself. Liana could have determined what to do with the advantage and the power to keep it to herself or share it with others. That is a huge loss but it doesn’t feel like a mistake that will cost her the million. Slow down Liana. Still early on here, but I feel your pain for sure.
UA (Green Tribe)
The Beware Advantage we saw at Yase was also at Ua. Like Yase, the advantage was in plain sight right at the fire where none other than the resident fire maintenance man Brad was able to uncover the advantage. With it comes the same opportunity to gain an advantage but at the cost of having to sneak out to the boat or risk your vote at the next Tribal Council.
What do you think Brad does with it? Of course he takes it! No second thought or hesitation with this Wyoming rancher.
Side note: I was really happy that Brad found the advantage. Of all the people at Ua, and there are several players there to like and root for, but to this point Brad is my favorite. Now, did I think that Brad was going to do what I would do if I was in this situation? Unfortunately not. Let’s just say Brad has a little bit of a mouth problem. In other words, Brad doesn’t know how to shut his yapper and hang onto some information aka power in the game for HIMSELF. Instead, Brad sucks at being a Survivor advantage holder like the great Tommy Callahan, who sucks at being a salesman.
More on why Brad sucks at having advantages later on, but hope you enjoyed the reference. Anytime you can work Tommy Boy in is a good thing.
LUVU (Blue Tribe)
We catch up with the Luvu tribe for the first time since their 2nd straight Immunity Challenge win to hear that the kumbaya period for the early on challenge beasts is fading. Naseer, who we last heard was a necessity at camp, is now getting his spot blown up by Sydney. Naseer confided in Sydney to get rid of Danny and like Evvie in episode 2, Sydney took it upon herself to share this information with the rest of the tribe. Once again, trusting the wrong person gets you in trouble in 41 because that person uses the strategy/information against you.
“We can live without Naseer…he’s so erratic” - Sydney
Probst says it all the time in every season that the game can turn on a dime, get flipped upside down, and one minute you think you’re good and the next you’re on the outs. That’s the feeling I get with Naseer. It feels like he is in the Brad boat of gameplay so far. He wants to play the game almost too much and it causes him to overextend or get caught with his foot in his mouth, or in this case Sydney is shoving his foot in his mouth for him.
Naseer may know how to make fire and be able to contribute to his tribe in that way, but that doesn’t seem to be mattering too much anymore. His strategy talk has been exposed to the entire tribe thanks to Sydney and as a result it looks like he would be an easy target at a Tribal. Also, the fact that Luvu has been the most successful tribe in challenges also contributes to the scapegoating of Naseer. Through this point in the game, Luvu has never gone to Tribal and thus never lost it’s flint. Aka they have yet to feel the heat of the game on them. This matters! In a game that can change in an instant, having a target to point at somebody is important for Sydney for when the tribe does eventually lose. So, why not alienate Naseer by exposing his plans that he confided. Makes sense for Sydney because she is able to build trust with others in the tribe, especially Danny.
The action continues at Luvu. As we have already seen at Yase (Tiffany finds Beware Advantage) and Ua (Brad finds Beware Advantage) we have the advantage at Luvu as well. It too is in broad daylight right at camp just waiting for someone to notice the “fine print” and pick up an advantage in the game.
Sydney is the lucky winner of using her eyeballs to see what was in front of everyone’s face, and like Tiffany and Brad, she goes for it immediately!
Sydney opts in for the Beware Advantage without ever reading the whole “BEWARE” part written on the front of the parchment. Note to self, if ever on Survivor, make sure you read everything carefully before opening. Got it.
““it’s a very dangerous season of Survivor and I just put myself in a very dangerous situation.””
Sydney is a great character in this season. Like Brad finding the advantage, I was happy that she was the one to find it at Luvu. She is sound bite gold and it’s easy to see that she is thinking deeply about every aspect of the game despite the minimal time we have spent with Luvu so far through 2 and a quarter episodes. I like that she acknowledged the danger of the situation because that tells me that SHE ISN’T GOING TO SHARE THIS INFO WITH ANYONE! Tiffany got caught and had to share it, Brad tells Shantal (more on this later), and Sydney keeps it for herself. (Amazing how the 3 tribes continue to operate so differently in these shared experiences.
Anyway, Sydney is going to rise to the occasion, sneak out without telling anyone what’s going on, and get away with it. I think again the success at Luvu is an advantage in this situation for Sydney. People are feeling great with all the winning and never going to Tribal. It will allow Sydney to sneak away that much easier. People are sleeping a bit sounder at Luvu than at Yase or Ua. That comfort level is great, but it’s best when you don’t get complacent and focus on the game. That’s where Sydney may be different at this stage of the game on the blue tribe. She has made a strategic move by using Naseer’s strategy details against him and now she has the chance to sneak away and potentially gain an advantage in the game on a tribe that is riding high. Big advantage for Sydney!
UA (green tribe)
Back to the Ua tribe. Like any Survivor superfan would, JD is idol hunting. He gained the extra vote on the excursion with Xander and Danny in episode 1, but he wants all the advantages. He is suspicious of Ricard and Shantal and rightfully so. They are the obvious threats in the game. However, little does he or the rest of the tribe (except Genie) know that the old rancher from Wyoming Brad has found the Beware Advantage (sneak out) and the Beware Advantage like Xander. That’s right, Brad has found the 2nd part of the 3 piece idol, but now Brad too is unable to vote until the 3 pieces of the idol and their secret phrases are granted power by all 3 phrases being shared at the Immunity Challenge.
So, what does one do when they have all this power in the form of Beware Advantages?
Well, if you’re Brad you immediately share it with Genie and Shantal.
Brad may be the best archaeologist on the Ua tribe but he is definitely the worst psychologist. He makes the mistake of sharing the information with Shantal about both advantages. Does he feel good about it? Hell yeah he does. Look at the expression on his face during that “I trust you 100% in this game and I’m sharing this information to prove that to you” hug. But, Brad unfortunately is too trusting. Immediately after this embrace, we hear Shantal disclose the dilemma of Brad trusting her in the game but by proving that trust to her, but he also revealed the power that he has. That power is not good for Shantal’s game.
This is where the episode 2 Game Within the Game strategy test comes in. Brad tells Shantal that he has to sneak out tonight to get to a boat because he will have a chance to gain an advantage. Now, like I said earlier, this is not how I would have played this hand. I think you keep your mouth shut, you take the risk of sneaking out, and try to keep the power for yourself. The Ua tribe is still at 5 and the prospect of gaining an advantage is too great not make the boat. But, that power you are potentially receiving from the sneak out is diminished when shared with others. Poorly played Brad. I love you, but poorly played.
The one thing Brad did do that I never would have was build a “Brad” in his bed using his shoes, clothes and the oars to make it look like he is in his bed. Just when I thought you couldn’t be any dumber.
Anyone who is making moves like this is a winner in my book. I love that Brad did this and again it makes me so happy that Brad was the one to find the Beware Advantage at camp. JD, Ricard, Shantal, and Genie would have NEVER DONE ANYTHING LIKE THIS. Neither would I, but that’s what makes Brad great and a joy to watch on Survivor.
Brad, Sydney, and Tiffany all manage to sneak away from camp and get on board their boat to the advantage opportunity in the middle of the night. First off, love that sneaking away during the middle of the night is part of an advantage. I mean I love a good idol hunt in the trees during the day as much as the next superfan, but you can’t beat the setting and conflict that this situation presents.
After a brief introduction they get right to it. Remember, the clock is ticking. The longer they are there, the greater chance that someone back at camp is realizing they are not there and the red flags will begin to pop up. Brad, Sydney, and Tiffany are faced with a choice to make for the advantage they would like to gain.
The advantage choice is simple. TARP or STEAL A VOTE. Here’s the catch…
ALL CHOOSE TARP - They all get a tarp to have at camp.
ALL CHOOSE STEAL A VOTE - All lose their vote at next Tribal.
SPLIT CHOICE (TARP) - Whoever chose tarp gets no advantage, but keeps their vote.
SPLIT CHOICE (STEAL) - Whoever chose steal gets the Steal a Vote advantage.
Tiffany comes out aggressively, Sydney doesn’t trust Tiffany, Tiffany doesn’t trust Sydney, and Brad is actually not opening his mouth. Best thing he could have done. I think I would have likely done the same as he would have in that situation. Tiffany and Sydney are two strong personalities. They did not vibe with each other, but that works out for Brad.
Brad - “got to play the game” - chooses STEAL a VOTE
Sydney - “can’t afford to lose my vote, it’s going to be a tarp for me” - chooses TARP
Tiffany - “I need to do what’s best for my game.” - chooses TARP
Split vote. Sydney and Tiffany keep their vote but don’t get the tarp. Brad gets the Steal a Vote advantage to add to his growing collection.
Tiffany and Sydney made the right choice for their games. Sydney hasn’t been to Tribal Council and is thinking ahead to that possibility. If she has to go to Tribal and in the first vote Luvu has she can’t vote in, it could cost her significantly. The power of her vote is too great to risk. Similarly, Tiffany is concerned with maintaining power in the game at Yase in the form of having her vote at Tribal. Yase has already been there twice and as a result down to 4 players remaining on the tribe. The dwindling numbers on her tribe leave her feeling like her vote is too important to risk.
Which leaves Brad. In true cowboy fashion he is unafraid of taking the risk of losing his vote. Plus, he has the 3 way Beware Advantage which makes him unable to vote at Tribal anyway until the 3 secret phrases are said. So, he has nothing to lose because he has already lost his vote. So he risks nothing and gains the Steal a Vote. Well played Brad, I guess.
Coolest challenge through 3 episodes. Jump in the water, swim to rope bridge, climb up ladder to platform, cross rope bridge using only 4 hanging ropes to help, dive in water. Once the whole tribe completes it, they swim to the beach, dig up a large sand bag with 5 small sand bags inside, and toss 5 bags up onto a small individual platform.
First 2 tribes to finish win reward in the form of a large fruit basket (1st place) and a small fruit basket (2nd place). This is HUGE considering the tribes don’t even have rice. They have nothing! Losing tribe heads to Tribal and is stripped of their flint.
Before the challenge kicks off Brad has something he’d like to share or just causally work into the conversation. LOL. This had me cracking up. He stumbles over the secret phrase badly. Totally fumbles the phrase. Doesn’t actually say it correctly. Made for great TV, but must have been so obvious to everyone. Including Xander.

As terrible as Brad said his line, and it was way wrong, he at least signaled Xander that he had found it. This in turn made Xander have to again say his secret phrase “I truly believe that butterflies are dead relatives saying hi”. However, there wasn’t a 3rd phrase and so we never get to activate the idols for them, they don’t have a vote at Tribal Council, and they will have to say the phrases AGAIN at the next Immunity Challenge!
Love that there is some humor injected in Survivor 41 and credit to Xander for doing as good a job as I could guess is possible with sneaking the phrase in for a SECOND TIME. Excited to see a 3rd time! Maybe it will be like the old saying goes, a charm, and see him granted safety, his vote at Tribal Council, and the ability to use his Extra Vote advantage.
With Ua losing the challenge and heading to Tribal Council for the second time here is where things stand.
Brad - can’t vote or use his steal a vote advantage from the sneak out because the 3-way idol Beware Advantage has not been activated.
JD - gets caught with an advantage sticking out of his shorts by Shantal and Ricard, loses trust.
Ricard - feels JD is indebted to him and Shantal, thinks Brad is a worker, but sneaky and not trustworthy.
Shantal - disciplines JD as if she’s his mother. He hands her his advantage she caught him with like a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar. Torn between voting for Brad who “has an idol” and JD who she caught with an advantage but is “in her pocket” as a result.
Genie - ???
The most powerful moment of the pre-Tribal period yet is when Shantal communicates to the viewer her dilemma between voting off Brad and voting off JD. She likes both of them. She has connected with both of them. Both of them trust her. Then, Shantal shares the story of being a child (5 years old I believe) and having to choose between living with her mother and living with her father. It’s hard to imagine being anyone in that real life situation, but after she chose to live with her mother she recalls her father sobbing. Shantal is comparing the decision to vote out either Brad or JD to this winless predicament she faced in her family as a young girl, and it connects with the viewer big time. Anyone who would be in the position (on Survivor) that Shantal finds herself in can think about the challenge of choosing one ally and ending the other one’s dream on Survivor. You can imagine going over the pros and cons of each side of the decision in our head. Playing out the decision 4, 5 moves ahead. For Shantal, it’s a tough decision, but as impactful a moment as it was, and it was, it’s not quite on the same level as choosing between Mom and Dad. C’mon now Shantal. Yes it’s a difficult choice, but it’s only been a week on Survivor, and let’s be honest, both JD and Brad have to go in order for Shantal’s game to make it to day 26.
Which is the better move?
Vote off Brad - get rid of a loose cannon in eyes of others, take away the power you know he has. JD is “in her pocket” because he got caught.
Vote off JD - he can’t be trusted at all (ex: catching him with an advantage or the lie he spewed after the island excursion)
The smart move for Shantal’s game is to vote out Brad and eliminate the power of his Beware Advantages. Once again, Brad should have kept his MOUTH SHUT!
Tribal starts on a somber note with Jeff acknowledging Shantal’s dilemma that she is wearing on her face and in her body language. To begin making the case for why he should stay, JD takes some responsibility for the loss at the Immunity Challenge because of his less than expected skills at sand bag tossing. We finally hear from Genie who doesn’t trust Ricard and is trusting of Brad as her number 1 ally in the game.
Then, JD makes his pitch for why he deserves to stay in the form of everyone having trust crystals and the fact that he was part of breaking some of his fellow tribe member’s crystals and it will be hard to put those pieces back together. I like his metaphor. I get his metaphor. It’s totally on brand and something that Ozzy or Woo would have done at Tribal with their necks on the line.
via @dabudoodles on Instagram aka Erik Reichenbach (S16, S26)
If you don’t follow Erik’s Instagram then you need to. He makes comics after each episode including this beauty to commemorate JD’s trust crystal speech.
But JD wasn’t done there. He kept on with by sharing the inspiration story of what Survivor did for him and the model Ozzy, Malcolm, and Woo provided for him to become.
““Survivor made me who I am. I just wanted to play Survivor and even if it’s cut short, I got to do it.””
With JD sharing the deepest connections he has to Survivor combined with the pre-vote music it seemed as if his dream was coming to an end. But, the votes still needed to be casted.
“This is a bigger shot in the dark than using the Shot in the Dark Die.” and the shot JD took was the right one and it would help send Brad home.
Brad - 3 votes (JD, Ricard, Shantal)
JD - 1 vote (Genie)
Brad had no vote
““in the end I put too much trust in one person…I got too wrapped up in the fun of the game I guess and didn’t quite slow down enough to see some warning signs.” ”
Glad that Brad can exit the game self aware enough to know the mistakes he made and hold his head high and exiting the game knowing he had the experience of a lifetime. Brad was entertaining as hell, he made a version of a spy shack, he found two advantages, he told two people to their faces that they were in jeopardy of being voted out, he told all his secrets, and didn’t really have a reason to explain why. He will be missed on this season for his novice (to put it nicely) gameplay for sure, but in reality he was never making it that far. Brad definitely falls into the category of great TV personality, yet someone who will surely make several million dollar mistakes along the way.
Thanks for reading. Be sure to outlike, outcomment, and outshare the rest all season long. I appreciate it very much and hope everyone is enjoying the season as much as I am.
The blog has spoken!