Ep. 4: Game Within the Game
It’s time again for another blog post about the new feature of Survivor 41, “Game Within the Game”. For the 4th installment I thought I would tighten up the blog post and mess around with the website capabilities, picture formats, and like the previous GWtG posts, have some fun. After all, Tribal Council Blog is trying to have some fun with all things Survivor and Amazing Race, so the GWtG is no exception. Have fun with it!
CLUE 1 - Red E = READY
CLUE 2 - 4 = FOR
Another fun Rebus puzzle in episode 4. Fitting that the puzzle was revealed along the outskirts of Tribal right as Ua was walking into their third go around. This one was fun because it throws the little curve ball of color into it which we haven’t seen previously. Also, having Clue 3 be “TRIKE - K” could be tough as it was for my students who didn’t know what the nickname for a tricycle was. Are tricycle’s part of this younger generation? Maybe. If they aren’t and Rebus puzzles in future challenges have clues like this as part of the challenge, these young future Survivors might have to be “READY FOR TRIBAL” quickly.
Moving on from the Rebus puzzle. Next up in the GWtG is the WORD SCRAMBLE.
I’m not a big MEME guy but the 3rd picture of Jeff telling GWtG players to “imagine I’m towering over the back of you” has somebody posting and captioning it somewhere. Maybe me too. LOL
Through 4 episodes we now have four pieces of the final Survivor riddle.
I’m still leaning toward the riddle having to do with the symbol on the front of the voting urn. Feels like the riddle could add up to somebody having some power over the votes in the urn. The other thought I had with the addition of “TOY” to the mix is that the Shot in the Dark die is a toy and the Shot in the Dark die jar (I guess) was pictured next to a bag with the symbol on the voting urn and Beware Advantage found by Brad, Sydney, and Tiffany.
The last thought for this week is the Shot in the Dark die in connection with that reoccurring symbol will have a modified version that will increase the chances of safety. Instead of a 1 in 6 or 16.7% chance (thanks Vocè), the odds will increase to a die with a 2 in 6 chance or better. Just a shot in the dark guess from me through 4 episodes.
Reminder. This strategy test is designed to give the viewers (especially young fans or budding strategists) a situation directly connected to the next episode for you to ponder and then make a theoretical decision on heading into episode 4.
What is most valuable about this feature of GWtG is directly asking you “What you would do?” Even if people have watched the show for 20 years and thought about how they would act in a situation, the strategy test provides a new experience because we have this information before it happens. Now, we know what is coming, we get to see who is put in the situation, and most fun of all, how they respond.
This is a great strategy test. First off, if not for blogging about the GWtG, I don’t think I would have considered a plan/strategy for what to do with the idol/advantage after finding it. Now, I’m thinking the better players have a plan for all the small details, even this. Secondly, now that I’m thinking about this I think I would hide it in the jungle in my “bathroom spot”. I don’t know how the bathroom works on Survivor but let’s assume it is in the jungle and let’s assume that people are going to their designated water closet and not doing that together, so safest keeping would be there. Plus, making a habit of using the bathroom before Tribal could be beneficial for your system but also for retrieving any buried/hidden advantages that you’ve stored away for safe keeping. Finally, the alternative of keeping it in your bag seems not good enough. Seems lazy. Seems like a rookie mistake. Leaving your advantage/idol in the open for anyone to see and panic look for etc is a horrible idea. Well, it’s better than what JD did by just having it stick out of his shorts. Embarrassing! He deserved to go for that alone.
To close out this blog post let’s think about the strategy test from the other side aka would you go digging through other people’s personal stuff to see if they have an advantage/idol. Say it with me…
You’re playing for $1,000,000 here people. All is fair in love and war and Survivor. Is it best practice? Perhaps not because getting caught doing it could put a huge target on you. Also, doing it with someone else knowing could expose you to the common “use someone’s information against them” strategy we’ve seen employed all season 41 long. Tough one, but It’s worth the risk.
If you want to go through someone’s personal bag there are other ways of achieving this without being the one doing it. Manipulate someone else to do it for you. All the reward with less risk. If you think someone has an advantage, you can spook someone else into doing your dirty work. Then you get 2 nuggets (info on others and clean hands) for the price of one. Tell them you think they have it and bet it’s in their bag. Tell them you yourself are scared they have it. Play them in a game on the beach you know you can beat them in and loser has to do the deed. Ultimately, the information is what you’re after and employing any tactic necessary is fair game to get the info.
Lastly, if snooping around gives you information (aka power) of someone else having an idol or advantage, then it could be the tool in your back pocket to prevent you going home or concoct a big move to build your game winning resume. That should be enough of a reason for anyone to up their game and go hunting for advantages.
Thanks again for reading. Hope you are enjoying the Game Within the Game as much as I am. Be sure to outlike, outcomment, and outshare the rest all season long. Enjoy episode 5.
The blog has spoken!