Tribal Council Blog


Welcome to my blog. I blog about each episode of Survivor until we cover them all.

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Season 1, Episode 2 - "The Generation Gap"

Season 1, Episode 2 - "The Generation Gap"

15 are left, who will be going home this week? - Probst

“The Generation Gap” episode centers around the two oldest men of each tribe. Rudy (Tagi) and BB (Pagong).

The episode begins on Day 4 and food is becoming an issue. The fish traps at Tagi are coming up empty and Rudy is eating without the consent of others. You would think that after 3 days, knowing you need to adapt and fit in, and receiving 3 votes at Tribal Council that Rudy would maybe take a different approach, but NOPE. Rudy is 72, served in the military, and unemotional about his actions or the actions of others. He is not a complainer, he'll leave that for others to do.

The 64 year old BB is still running his labor unit at Pagong. They are building an elaborate shelter, working together, making chopsticks, eating together, and not ruffling any feathers…but Ramona tells us the viewer that what BB is doing is not sitting well with the tribe.
“At this point no one wants to have a confrontation with him, I don’t know, I guess, If we were ever to lose an immunity challenge, he’d be the first one to be voted off.” - Ramona
BB’s days are numbered and the number isn’t very high.

All screenshots via Amazon Prime Video.

All screenshots via Amazon Prime Video.

Richard shares this info in a confessional to the audience. He lets the viewers and tribe in on this personal information not because he wants to make friends, but because of his concern about how it would effect his relationship with Rudy in the game.

He likes Rudy and relates to Rudy’s personality. However, with Rudy being a 72 year old veteran, the idea of Richard being gay concerns Richard and he makes it quite clear. Shortly after we learn Rudy's feelings toward Richard.

“He’s one of the nicest guys I ever met, he’s good at what he does, he’s got leadership abilities and if these people would listen to him, he’d take them a long way.” - Rudy

Again we see Richard playing his game. I don’t think everyone would have taken this approach if they were in Richard’s place. It isn’t easy for people to share this type of personal information with others in any situation, let alone in a game with people you have only just met, who are trying to vote you out, and with $1 Million at stake. The lesson that Richard teaches us about Survivor is every edge counts. Richard is thinking like Belichick here. He isn’t overlooking any detail because he is filtering everything through the idea of “how can this help/hurt my game and ability to win $1,000,000”.

All screenshots via Amazon Prime Video.

All screenshots via Amazon Prime Video.

Can’t eat food, vomiting, and needing to lay down. The problem for Ramona is two fold. On top of her feeling ill, her inability to work is causing a problem in the game. BB points it out because that’s who he is and that’s how he views people. The show is telling us the story of Pagong through BB and Ramona. One is bossy and abrasive and the other is sick and unable to pull their weight. These people will be easy targets for an elimination vote.

The Pagong tribe plays a “Newlywed Game” inspired game with Greg as the host. He makes it known quickly that he has the most charismatic personality on the tribe. We learn that Greg makes everyone laugh. He is “the icebreaker”.

The game shows off Greg’s personality and how valuable that is to everyone in the tribe. You need that in any experience including Survivor. Greg’s charisma and youthful personality is such a stark contrast to BB’s abrasive, in your face personality. This isn't helping BB.

Then, BB commits a Survivor suicide. His “I know best” personality, gets the best of him. He washes his shirt in the cooking pot with the fresh water that was boiled.

All screenshots via Amazon Prime Video.

All screenshots via Amazon Prime Video.

Once discovered, he instantly crosses a line and finds himself backed into a corner with everyone ready to be confrontational with him.

We all know that guy in our lives. We all let “that guy” say his piece to avoid the conflict because it’s not worth the confrontation.

But, in Survivor, unlike real life, you can eliminate “that guy” at tribal council. In this scene and the ones to follow, BB knows he is doomed for his actions. He is the first person to do a bit of “scrambling” and he even proposes throwing the challenge to “lighten the load” but the sad part for BB is, he is too arrogant to know that he IS the load.

Food Challenge
Beetle larvae or Butod, will be eaten one at a time by the tribe until someone doesn’t. The beetle is gigantic and very much living. Plays well to the camera.

All screenshots via Amazon Prime Video.

All screenshots via Amazon Prime Video.

But, overall the challenge was pretty lame. Gervase (Pagong) was too dramatic in his inability to eat the beetle at first but eventually everyone ate their beetle and it was a tie. The tie breaker is Stacy against Gervase and Stacy wins. Stacy wins the challenge for Tagi but more importantly wins some clout within her tribe.

Tribal Council - BB vs Ramona
Ramona - 2, BB - 5
“I chose BB because he was my get out of jail free card” - Gretchen

All screenshots via Amazon Prime Video.

All screenshots via Amazon Prime Video.

Probst Closing Thought
“You survived your first tribal council, not a fun process, but one you’ll have to do again.”

BB Exit Interview
“I hope I showed them a little bit of work ethic, that I don’t back up from what I did, I think what I did was the right way” - BB

Of course you did BB and look where it got you.

1 - Biggest Move
Stacy seizing the day in the Immunity Challenge and defeating Gervase 1 on 1. She won Tagi immunity and helped herself in the game. Although nobody is going to see her as a huge threat in challenges, this move is still a win for Stacy because she showed the tribe she has value besides disliking Rudy.

2 - Biggest Mistake
BB cleaned his shirt in the cooking pot. Note to self, NEVER DO THAT!

3 - Challenge Corner
The beetle eating was perhaps more riveting in a pre-Fear Factor 2000 world but in 2020 it was drawn out and dull. Only Gervase seemed to struggle.

4 - Trending Up
Rudy and Richard’s relationship. Richard’s worry about how Rudy’s perception of him was the exact opposite of what happened. Rudy looks at Richard as the leader and the guy that should be listened to.

5 - Trending Down
Gervase. You awkwardly squirmed on national television and lost the immunity challenge for Pagong. Easy way for people to vote GERVASE on the next piece of parchment.

6 - Strategy Award
The 5 members of Pagong who voted BB off. His personality and way of conducting himself is just not sustainable for 39 days for the tribe or the viewer. Even if someone from Pagong had a grand plan for their game, it didn’t include BB.

All screenshots via Amazon Prime Video.

All screenshots via Amazon Prime Video.

7 - Best Screenshot
When the guy who thinks he knows it all, doesn’t! (photo attached to post)

8 - Best Quote
“He’s one of the nicest guys I ever met, he’s good at what he does, he’s got leadership abilities and if these people would listen to him, he’d take them a long way.” - Rudy talking about Richard.
Quite the compliment to receive from a veteran who tells it like it is and doesn’t hold back.

9 - Who won the episode?
Tough one again. No clear cut number 1 pick. Greg gets the nod. Despite limited screen time because of BB’s storyline, Greg asserted himself as the most fun and likable personality on the show.

The blog has spoken!

Season 1, Episode 3 - "Quest For Food"

Season 1, Episode 3 - "Quest For Food"

Season 1, Episode 1 - "The Marooning"

Season 1, Episode 1 - "The Marooning"